My Double the Donation Account is Fully Set Up. What Comes Next?
This article defines what it means to have a fully set up Double the Donation Matching account and recommended next steps once your account is fully setup.
When your organization is fully set up with Double the Donation Matching, you have completed the following steps:
1. Portal Verification
2. Complete the Recommended Actions in Each Reporting Tab
3. Update donors to "Pending Payment" or "Match Complete"
When your organization is fully set up with Double the Donation Matching, you have completed the following steps:
Integrated your donation platform(s) and/or CRM with the matching module to pass in at least 90% of your online and offline donations.
Enabled the automated outreach: At least 2 emails in the match eligible email stream and 1 email in the identification in progress email stream
Configured email sending so all of the matching gift emails come from your organization's domain
Add our plugin on a dedicated matching gift page on your website
There is an opportunity for you to see much success with the matching module moving forward and see a significant ROI in matching gift revenue in year 1 (20% -50% increase in matching gift revenue). However, this is achieved by following our best practices and driving those matches to completion. Below are three best practices we highly recommend following to see a significant ROI in matching gift revenue each year:
1. Portal Verification
Although Double the Donation doesn't automatically track when your nonprofit receives matching gift funds, our matching gift software can give you more insight into match-eligible donors and donors who have initiated their matching gift requests to their employers.
We'd recommend being a registered nonprofit organization with the Top Matching Gift Companies that your donors have identified they work for; you can view this list by going to "Dashboard" --> Top Companies. For each company, we will often provide a link to the corporate vendor used and/or the contact information for the company.
2. Complete the Recommended Actions in Each Reporting Tab
The matching module's Reporting tab is action-oriented. Each tab presents your organization with a carefully selected report of donations that meet pre-determined criteria and then recommends a specific action to drive more matching gift revenue from those donations.
We recommend checking these reports regularly, perhaps quarterly, to take the recommended action. Because new donations are entering your matching module account all the time, each report will fill up with new actionable insights for your organization over time.
3. Update donors to "Pending Payment" or "Match Complete"
When the match-eligible donor submits their match to their employer, you as the nonprofit will receive either a verification email or non-verification based on the matching gift vendor. If your organization receives a verification email from a vendor like CyberGrants or Easy Match, a team member can change the status of that donor to "Pending Payment". When the nonprofit receives the matching gift funds (typically within 1-3 months), the team member can log in to the matching module, search for the donor, and change the status of the donor to "Match Complete." To learn more about how to update the status of a donor, click here.
Now when you consistently track the lifecycle of a matching gift through the matching module, the statistics in your account will be an accurate representation of the matching gift funds received. You can use our Thank You email functionality to thank these donors for submitting their matching gift requests. Click here to learn more about our Thank You email stream.