This article walks through the Match Eligible, Unknown Company, Thank You, and End-of-Year email streams.
Training Videos: Automated Outreach
Automated Outreach
The automated email streams are the following:
Match Eligible
Identification in Progress
Thank You
- View this article to see our recommendations for automated outreach streams.
- View this article for more in-depth information about each automated outreach stream.
Each donation record that flows into Double the Donation Matching through your donation form, CRM, and/or data import will be placed into one of the two email streams automatically:
Match Eligible
Identification in Progress

- Enable emails by clicking on the toggle button (The button will turn green when it is enabled)
- Edit the sending time, so the matching gift emails can be sent based on when the donation record enters into Double the Donation Matching.
- Edit the subject title and body of the emails by using the email template variables within the body of the emails.
- Click on the preview button to send a test email to yourself and experience what the donor will also experience.
Match Eligible

Identification in Progress

Thank You
The thank you email stream is the easiest, automated way to ensure your organization is following stewardship best practices when it comes to matching gifts, as well as encouraging donors to complete all the necessary steps to submit their matching gift requests. This stream is off by default.
Thank you emails are triggered by status changes. There are up to 4 emails that can be sent, each based on a different advanced status in Double the Donation Matching (example below).

Emails in this stream will only be scheduled when a donation enters the status in the title of the email. Emails will not be scheduled until 30 minutes after the status change occurs, allowing mistakes to be corrected before emails are sent.
During the month of December, the end-of-year email stream is your organization's end-of-year reminder to donors about submitting their matching gift requests. Only one end-of-year email can be sent to donors that fulfilled the criteria below:
For the Identification in Progress End-of-Year stream, the donor eligibility is unknown and the donor must have made at least one donation of $100 or more.
For the Match Eligible End-of-Year stream, the donor is match eligible but they have not identified that they have submitted a matching gift request.
The donation was made between January 1st and November 30th of the current year.
The end-of-year email continues to honor the email blocklist, sending limits, and company exclusions. If an email address is associated with multiple donations (e.g. recurring donors), only one end-of-year email may be sent to that address.
Email Template Variables
Our default email streams are set up so you can easily turn them on right away. However, you can use email template variables in the body of the emails if you’d like to be more specific within emails. Insert the variable within the body of the email for the description to occur.

Customizing Emails
You can customize each email stream for your organization. You can customize the following within each email stream:
Enable/disable the email stream
Change the sending time of each email
Edit the Subject Line of the emails
Customize the emails using email template variables if you'd like to be more specific within emails
Preview each email and send test emails to yourself before enabling the emails
Read this article to learn about previewing your email messages' appearance.
Make sure to save any changes you make by clicking "Save Email Template."