This article defines each of the email template variables and shares our recommended approach for using the variables.
Matching Module - Variables explained
Volunteering Module - Variables explained
At this time, you don't have the functionality to add additional custom fields to these email template variables.

Volunteering Module Email Template Variables:
Matching Module - Variables explained
This variable is required within the match-eligible email stream and therefore cannot be deleted. It is already included in the default match eligible emails, as it is imperative that you link match eligible donors to their employer's matching gift forms. If this variable is removed and you attempt to save your email template, you will receive an error message and your new template will not save until you have added this variable back.
View this article to learn what happens when a donor clicks this link.
It's important to give donors the option of indicating they are not eligible for a match, so we recommend including this variable in your emails.
4. {{matched_company_info}} - Company information if a match was found. Including this variable within the matching module emails will show the below variable:
If there is company information from our database based on the company name associated with the donor, then company information will be included in the email and will include the following information:
Matching gift form
Matching gift guidelines
Minimum and Maximum amount matched
Match Ratio
Type of employee eligible to submit a matching gift request:
Type of organization that is eligible to receive a matching gift
Matching gift submission process
Submission deadline
Volunteer grant information, if applicable
5. {{matched_company_name}} - Company name if a match was found. Including this variable within the matching module, emails will be the company name; for example within the below sentence in the email, "Home Depot" is the company name with a matching gift program.
This variable is used for donors in the match-eligible email stream and makes your emails more personalized to the donor. Also, the Donors are aware that you know their correct company name.
6. {{plugin_link}} - Link to the dedicated matching gift page where our plugin is installed. Including this variable within the matching module emails will show the below variable:
This variable links your donors in the unknown company email stream to your dedicated matching gift page where they can search to see if their employer has a matching gift program, and they can start the submission process if their employer does have a matching gift process.
Donors must be directed to your dedicated matching gift page via the {{plugin_link}} email variable for the company they search for to be tracked by the matching module. Do not provide a hyperlink to your dedicated matching gift page in the email template because, if a donor uses that link to search for their employer, the company they search for will not be tracked by the matching module.
This variable is required within the unknown company email stream and therefore cannot be deleted. It is already included in the default unknown company emails, as it is imperative that you link unknown eligibility donors to the plugin that allows them to search for their employer's matching gift forms. If this variable is removed and you attempt to save your email template, you will receive an error message and your new template will not save until you have added this variable back.
Volunteering Module - Variables explained

This variable is required within the Volunteer Incentives Available email stream and therefore cannot be deleted. It is already included in the default Volunteer Incentives Available email, as it is imperative that you link eligible donors to their employer's PVTO and volunteer grant forms. If this variable is removed and you attempt to save your email template, you will receive an error message and your new template will not save until you have added this variable back.
2. {{volunteer_company_info}} - Company information if an employer was found. Including this variable within the volunteering module emails will show the below variable:
If there is company information from our database based on the company name associated with the donor, then company information will be included in the email and will include the following:
PVTO form
PVTO guidelines
PVTO Hours
Volunteer Grants:
Volunteer grant form
Volunteer grant minimum hours required
Volunteer grant corporate Donation
3. {{volunteer_company_name}} - Company name if a match was found. Including this variable within the volunteering module, emails will be the company name; for example within the below sentence in the email, "U.S. Venture Inc." is the company name with a volunteer grant program.
This variable is used for donors in the Volunteer Incentives Available email stream and makes your emails more personalized to the donor. Also, the Donors are aware that you know their correct company name.
4. {{volunteer_plugin_link}} - Link to the dedicated company-sponsored volunteering page where our plugin is installed. Including this variable within the volunteering module emails will show the below variable:
This variable links your donors in the Discover Volunteer Incentives email stream to your dedicated company-sponsored volunteering page where they can search to see if their employer has a volunteer grant program, and they can start the submission process if their employer does have a volunteer grant process.
Donors must be directed to your dedicated company-sponsored volunteering page via the {{volunteer_plugin_link}} email variable for the company they search for to be tracked by the matching module. Do not provide a hyperlink to your dedicated company-sponsored volunteering page in the email template because, if a donor uses that link to search for their employer, the company they search for will not be tracked by the volunteering module.
This variable is required within the company-sponsored volunteering page email stream and therefore cannot be deleted. It is already included in the default company-sponsored volunteering page email, as it is imperative that you link unknown eligibility donors to the plugin that allows them to search for their employer's PVTO and volunteer grant forms. If this variable is removed and you attempt to save your email template, you will receive an error message and your new template will not save until you have added this variable back.
Q: Can I add email variables to the subject line?
A: Yes! Any email variable that does not have an asterisk next to it can be used in the subject line: