Getting Started: Understanding Plugin Settings

This article provides an overview of the plugin settings available in your 360MatchPro account.

Plugin Settings

Plugin Embed Code

Plugin URL

Learn more about adding the plugin URL to your settings:

Plugin Search Text

Animate the Search Field

CSS Overrides


Training Video: Plugin Settings

Plugin Settings


Within your Double the Donation account you can create a dedicated matching gift page on your website or a dedicated company-sponsored volunteering plugin featuring our searchable database plugin. This becomes a call to action page where donors can access the forms, guidelines, and instructions they need to submit matching gift requests or learn about their company's volunteer incentives. This page is also linked to from within the Unknown Company automated emails for 360MatchPro Matching Hub users.


Plugin Embed Code


When you navigate to "Plugin Settings" (under "Settings" in Matching Hub and in the main navigation of Volunteer Hub), you get access to our code where you can embed our plugin on your organization's website. Our code is in red and you'd simply copy that HTML code and paste the code onto your organization's website where you'd like to have the plugin appear. Here is an example of what our plugin will look like on your dedicated matching gift page:


Plugin URL

[Matching Hub only]


You can put the URL of your organization's dedicated matching gift page into the Plugin URL box, so the emails sent to donors in the unknown company stream will direct them to your dedicated matching gift page instead of the default hosted matching gift page. 


When you insert your URL, make sure to "Save Settings."

Learn more about adding the plugin URL to your settings:


Plugin Search Text

[Matching Hub and Volunteer Hub]


The standard text in the plugin says "See if your employer will match your donation." We recommend keeping this wording as it is, but you can change the wording if your organization would like. Often if an organization decides to edit the wording if they have a large number of volunteers and they want to include volunteer grants so it can say "See if your employer will match your donation or volunteer hours"


For any changes that you make to apply, click on the "Save Plugin Settings." 


Animate the Search Field

[Matching Hub Only]


If you want to animate the search field of your plugin, you can do so by checking the box "Animate the search field's placeholder text?" Animating the search field's placeholder text can increase the likelihood that users will search for their company's name. 


If you make any changes, remember to click "Save Plugin Settings." 

CSS Overrides

[Matching Hub and Volunteer Hub]


If you'd like to change the background color, font size, or font color of the matching gift plugin that is embedded on your website, you can add custom CSS to override the standard plugin. 

Screenshot 8-8-2022 at 05.02 PM _2_


Please note: CSS Overrides are for advanced users only.

Any changes that you do make, click on the "Save Plugin Settings." 

Screenshot 8-8-2022 at 05-02 PM _1_-png


Q: Should I place the matching gift plugin on the same page as my donation form? 

A: We recommend adding the plugin on a separate, dedicated matching gift page instead of placing the plugin on the donation page. There are two key reasons for that:

  1. The matching gifts plugin contains links that could direct the donor away from the donation form before the donation has been completed. 

  2. Donors in the Unknown Company automated email stream are prompted to engage with the matching gifts plugin to determine if their employer may match their donation. If Unknown Company donors are sent back to a donation form that they have already utilized, it does not indicate to them that a new step needs to take place.

View this article to learn more about our recommendations for creating a dedicated matching gift page.


Q: What's the difference between the standard employer search plugin and the volunteer  plugin? 

A: The volunteer plugin features volunteer grant information and paid volunteer time off (PVTO) information. The title of the plugin also changes to "See if your employer offers volunteer incentives!" instead of "See if your employer will match your donation!" To learn more about the volunteer plugin, visit this article about 360MatchPro Volunteer Hub.

Training Video: Plugin Settings