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  3. Double the Donation Matching Integration Guides

Does Double the Donation integrate with DonorPerfect?

This article walks through Double the Donation's integration with DonorPerfect.

Step-by-Step: Integrate Double the Donation Matching into DonorPerfect

DonorPerfect-Double the Donation FAQs

Step-by-Step: Integrate Double the Donation Matching into DonorPerfect

Double the Donation is the industry-leading matching gifts automation solution for nonprofits and educational institutions to identify more matching gift revenue opportunities and drive more matches to completion. You’ll need a Double the Donation account to activate the matching gift functionality within this partner platform. Not a Double the Donation client? Schedule a demo at https://doublethedonation.com/demo-request/.


This guide will walk through how to establish a direct link between Double the Donation Matching and DonorPerfect. After a direct link is established, new donation records in DonorPerfect will automatically flow into the matching module. Donations made without an email address, such as cash or check donations, and donations made with a "Do Not Email" designation will not be imported into Double the Donation Matching.


Step #1: Log into Double the Donation Matching at https://doublethedonation.com/members/


Step #2: Navigate to the "Integrations" tab and select "Browse". Use the Browse Partner Directory to search for "DonorPerfect".


Step #3: Select "Activate Integration". Then, enter your API Key and click "Validate Credentials."

Note: Contact your DonorPerfect Support Rep to obtain an API Key: support@donorperfect.com


Step #4: If the credentials are valid, Double the Donation Matching will display the following: 
Step #5: Click "Integrate" to activate your integration. Double the Donation Matching will indicate that your integration is active. 

Please note that, in addition to future transactions, the DonorPerfect integration will pull in transactions made within the last 90 days. 


DonorPerfect-Double the Donation FAQs

Q: I don't have a Double the Donation Matching account. How do I get one?

A:  Visit https://doublethedonation.com/demo-request/ to request a demo! Make sure you mention that you use DonorPerfect in your demo request form.


Q: Do donor-covered costs flow into Double the Donation Matching?

A: No, only actual donor gifts flow into Double the Donation Matching. Our global integration settings prevent donor-covered costs from flowing into the account, even if they are categorized as gift.


Q: What if I want to further restrict the donations that flow into Double the Donation Matching?

A: After your integration is activated, you have the option to add custom filters to your integration. You can add filters based on any of the following fields:



  3. "GIFT_TYPE"

  4. "GL_CODE"



The wizard will allow you to select your field and the values in those fields that Double the Donation Matching detects in your DonorPerfect account. See the example below:



Note: If you remove a custom filter sometime after donations have already begun flowing into Double the Donation Matching, past donation records from the past 90 days that were previously excluded by this rule will flow into your matching module. This is because, in addition to future transactions, the DonorPerfect integration pulls in transactions made within the last 90 days. When you save new filters, the integration "resets" and will look through the previous  90 days for any donations that now meet your new set of criteria.

If you expect to see more donations in Double the Donation Matching, select "Preview records" to determine why certain records have not been imported:
Q: If I'm using Givecloud or Qgiv with DonorPerfect, what should I do to make sure I don't end up with duplicate donations in Double the Donation Matching?
A:  This is a common combination of integrations! Double the Donation Matching is well-suited to help you manage this configuration. We recommend reviewing this article for best practices in managing multiple integrations. Specifically, we recommend activating the Duplicate Donations exclusion rule for multiple integrations,  which you can learn more about here.
Q: Does Double the Donation Matching integrate with DonorPerfect's WebLink donation forms? 
A: At this time, Double the Donation Matching only integrates with the DonorPerfect CRM, not WebLink donation forms. However, connecting your DonorPerfect CRM to matching module ensures that all of your donors receive matching gift outreach, prompting them to uncover their eligibility and leading them to their next steps. Many organizations leverage the DonorPerfect CRM integration to grow their matching gift revenue. 
Q: What records will flow into Double the Donation Matching from DonorPerfect? 
A: Only records that meet the following criteria will be imported into Double the Donation Matching:
  • The record has an email address.
  • The record is from an individual (i.e. DONOR_TYPE of IN or IND).
  • The record_type is 'G' or 'M' (i.e. grants, pledges, and fees are excluded).


Q: Where else can I embed Double the Donation's plugin?
A: We recommend you create a dedicated matching gift page on your website to place matching gift information in the path of every website visitor, not just those already on your donation form. On this page, you can explain what matching gift programs are and provide donors with a chance to look up their employer’s program forms, guidelines, and instructions. Your dedicated matching gift page will become a useful resource to include in emails, newsletters, and direct messages.

To install Double the Donation’s matching gift search tool anywhere on your website, simply copy and paste the same Embed Code that you used for the confirmation screen onto the desired page. Take a look at this example:



Q: Where can I learn more about the Double the Donation Matching and DonorPerfect integration?
A: Navigate to our partner landing page to learn how Double the Donation Matching and DonorPerfect can increase your matching gift revenue!