This article walks through Double the Donation's integration with Blackbaud's Raiser's Edge NXT.
Section 1: Establish a connection between Double the Donation Matching into Raiser's Edge NXT
Phase 1: Setup within Raiser's Edge NXT
Phase 2: Setup within Double the Donation Matching
Section 2: Add Double the Donation Matching to your RE NXT donation forms
Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT - Common Customizations
Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT - Troubleshooting Common Issues
Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT - Double the Donation FAQs
Double the Donation is the industry-leading matching gifts automation solution for nonprofits and educational institutions to identify more matching gift revenue opportunities and drive more matches to completion. You’ll need a Double the Donation account to activate the matching gift functionality within this partner platform. Not a Double the Donation client? Schedule a demo at
Watch a video version of this integration guide here. (note: this video is an abbreviated guide.)
This section of the integration guide is intended to help organizations establish a direct link between Double the Donation Matching and Raiser's Edge NXT. Once a direct link is established, new donation records in Raiser's Edge NXT will automatically flow into Double the Donation Matching. In the matching module, donations will enter automated email streams to drive the employer matching process to completion. Read on to section 2 to discover how to add Double the Donation Matching to your RE NXT donation forms.
Phase 1: Setup within Raiser's Edge NXT
Step #1: Log in to your Raiser's Edge NXT account. Navigate to the Blackbaud Marketplace and find the Double the Donation Matching App.
NOTE: Organization and Solution Admins must have Marketplace permissions in order to install the Double the Donation Matching application.
Step #2: Select the option to Get Started with the application.
Phase 2: Setup within Double the Donation Matching
Step #1: Log in to your Double the Donation Matching account. Navigate to the "Integrations" tab and select "Browse". Use the Browse Partner Directory to search for "Raiser's Edge NXT". Select Raiser's Edge NXT with the Blackbaud logo and click "Activate Integration".
Step #2: This will redirect you to the top of the screen where you can click "Sign in with Blackbaud" to complete the connection between Raiser's Edge NXT and Double the Donation Matching. Enter your Blackbaud credentials on the next screen to sign in, and then select "Authorize" on the next screen.
(Note: If you are signed in to Raiser's Edge NXT within the same browser, the next screen will automatically recognize your Blackbaud account and autofill your credentials.)
Make sure to select "Authorize" on this screen.
Congratulations! The Double the Donation Matching app should appear in the Connected Apps tab of your Applications list within Raiser's Edge NXT.
The Double the Donation Matching add-ins will also appear within your Organization's Constituent Records and Gift Records.
Section 2: Add Double the Donation Matching to your RE NXT donation forms
Note: You must follow the steps in Section 1 to establish a connection between RE NXT and Double the Donation Matching before adding the tool to your donation form as outlined in Section 2.
Step #1: Log in to your RE NXT account, then navigate to the left-hand side of the screen and select “Online Giving”
Step #2: Select “All donation forms” on the right-hand section of the screen.
Step #3: Select the donation form that you would like to edit, and then select "Edit Form"
Step #4: Navigate to the "Form" option, then select the "Add-ins" tab on the right side of the screen. Drag and drop the "Double the Donation Matching Gift Search Tool" onto your form wherever you would like the search tool to appear.
The tool will then provide context into usage and customization options. Select "Done" and you're all set! The Double the Donation Matching search tool will now appear on your donation form and confirmation page.
Desired Outcome: You want to ensure only the most recent, relevant gifts flow from Raiser’s Edge NXT into Double the Donation Matching.
Note: our system is importing records based on the listed Date of the Gift, not the Posted Date (the date the gift is manually added to Raiser’s Edge NXT). This may impact which records are flowing into Double the Donation Matching, and exclude otherwise qualified records.
Desired outcome: You want to exclude donations from certain campaigns or funds from flowing into Double the Donation Matching.
Steps: You can set filtering within Double the Donation Matching. Navigate to "Integrations" and then "Manage" to access these configuration settings for your Blackbaud integration. Locate the "Exclude donations from specific campaigns" and "Exclude donations to specific funds" sections. Select the checkbox for the campaigns or funds from which you wish to exclude donations entering the matching module. Select "Save Exclusions." Donations from the campaigns or funds you select will not be imported into Double the Donation. Click here to learn more about exclusions and inclusions.
Desired outcome: You want to set or remove custom filters for exclusions.
Steps: You can set filtering for inclusions within Double the Donation Matching. Navigate to "Integrations" and then "Manage" to access these configuration settings for your Blackbaud integration. Locate the "Filters" section.
Use the "select field" dropdown to select the field you wish to use to filter donations.
Once selected, set your criteria using the dropdown options. Select "Save Filter." Donations that meet the filter you set will be imported into Double the Donation Matching.
Remove filters using the "Remove" button.
Desired outcome: You want to filter donation records based on multiple sets of criteria.
Steps: You can create sets of filters using the group setting in your Filters section.
First, select "Add New Group." This will create a shaded box where you can include multiple conditions (for example, Option A OR Option B).

You're all set!
Q: What do I do if the RE-NXT integration disconnects because the user who set up the integration leaves the organization?
A: We recommend reconnecting the integration using a general user profile (ex: so that the integration is not associated with a particular staff member. To reset the integration, navigate to Integrations → Manage → Remove Integration. Then, reconnect the integration following the instructions here.
Q: I have configured custom filters, but I'm not seeing the expected donations in Double the Donation Matching. How do I know if I'm using the filters correctly?
A: Please make sure you are using the correct variables for your filters, specifically the usage of "All" or "Any." The "Any" filter means that at least one of the conditions must be true in order to import the record into Double the Donation Matching. On the other hand, the "All" filter means that all conditions must be true to import the record into the matching module.
Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT - Double the Donation FAQs
Q: I don't have a Double the Donation Matching account. How do I get one?
A: Visit to request a demo! Make sure you mention that you use RE NXT in your demo request form.
Q: Which gift records are pulled from Raiser's Edge NXT into Double the Donation Matching?
A: New gift records are pulled into Double the Donation Matching when:
They are from individuals, not businesses.
They have an email address associated with them (when the "email address" field is not null or blank).
They aren't flagged as "do not email."
Q: Do I need to be an administrator within my Raiser's Edge NXT account to follow these integration steps?
A: Both Solutions Admin and Organization Admin are able to grant access based on their permissions as long as they are the solution admin within Raiser’s Edge NXT and have marketplace permissions. Here’s more information about administrator roles. The user access can be adjusted under the "Security" tab of the Control Panel.
Q: If a constituent has multiple email addresses, which one will be pulled into Double the Donation Matching?
A: The address that is marked as the contact's primary email address within your Blackbaud account will be pulled into Double the Donation Matching. If there is no address marked as primary, the first active email address listed for this constituent will be pulled into the matching module.
Q: Why do donation records appear to be one day behind?

A: Navigate to our partner landing page to learn how Double the Donation Matching and Blackbaud can increase your matching gift revenue!