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  2. Integrations
  3. Double the Donation Matching Integration Guides

Does Double the Donation integrate with Qgiv?

This article walks through Double the Donation's integration with Qgiv.

Step-by-Step: Integrate Double the Donation Matching into Qgiv (Standard Updated Donation Forms)

Step-by-Step: Integrate  Double the Donation Matching into Qgiv (Standard Legacy Donation Forms)

Step-by-Step: Integrate Double the Donation Matching into Qgiv (Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Forms)

Qgiv - Double the Donation FAQs

Step-by-Step: Integrate Double the Donation Matching into Qgiv (Standard Updated Donation Forms)

Double the Donation is the industry-leading matching gifts automation solution for nonprofits and educational institutions to identify more matching gift revenue opportunities and drive more matches to completion. You’ll need a Double the Donation account to activate the matching gift functionality within this partner platform. Not a Double the Donation client? Schedule a demo at https://doublethedonation.com/demo-request/.

Watch a video version of this integration guide here (note: video is an abbreviated guide).


Step #1: Navigate to the Standard Qgiv Form on which you'd like to activate Double the Donation Matching. Click the "Form Settings" button in the menu on the left side of the screen.



Step #2: Navigate to "Form Settings > Donations > Settings". Toggle on "Enable Matching Gifts" to expand the options.



Step #3: Select "Activate" by the Double the Donation option and enter your Double the Donation API keys. Select "Save."

Not sure how to find your API keys? Check out this article

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If the connection was successful, you will see a green "CONNECTED" message.

Step #4: Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Save Donation Settings".

Screenshot 13-02-2025 at 16.55

Step-by-Step: Integrate Double the Donation Matching into Qgiv (Standard Legacy Donation Forms)

Step #1: Navigate to the Standard Qgiv Form on which you'd like to activate Double the Donation Matching. Click the "Form Settings" button in the menu on the left side of the screen.


Step #2: Under "System Settings", toggle on "Enable Matching Gifts".


Step #3: Click the checkbox labeled "Add enhanced company lookup using one of our trusted partners." Select "Activate" by the Double the Donation option and enter your Double the Donation API keys. Select "Save."


If the connection was successful, you will see a green "CONNECTED" message.

Step-by-Step: Integrate Double the Donation Matching into Qgiv (Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Forms)

Step #1: Navigate to the Qgiv Peer-to-Peer Fundraising form on which you'd like to activate Double the Donation Matching. Click the "Event Settings" button in the menu on the left side of the screen.



Step #2: Navigate to the "Enable Matching Gifts" toggle in the "System Settings" section. Toggle the functionality to expand the options.



Step #3: Select "Activate" by the Double the Donation option and enter your Double the Donation Matching API keys. Select "Save."



Don't have a Double the Donation account? Select "Get started with Double the Donation!" to get more information.


If the connection was successful, you will see a green "CONNECTED" message.


Qgiv - Double the Donation FAQs

Q: I don't have a Double the Donation account. How do I get one?

A:  Visit https://doublethedonation.com/demo-request/ to request a demo! Make sure you mention that you use Qgiv in your demo request form.


Q: Is the Double the Donation integration available for Qgiv P2P Fundraising and Standard Qgiv forms?
A: Yes, the Double the Donation integration is available for Standard Qgiv Forms and Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Forms.
Q: Do event registrations without a donation flow into Double the Donation?
A: No, only standard donations and event registrations with an added donation flow from Qgiv to Double the Donation Matching.
Q: Do matching gift statuses from Double the Donation flow back into Qgiv?
A: Yes, matching gift statuses from Double the Donation flow back into Qgiv on a nightly basis and can be accessed within your matching gift report. 
For information on excluding matching gifts from fundraising thermometers, check out this Qgiv support article or email support@qgiv.com. 
Q: How do I remove Double the Donation from a Qgiv form?
To remove the integration from your form, select "Edit" and then "Remove." This will only remove the integration from the form you're currently editing. There are currently no global integration settings for the matching module.



Q: If I'm using Qgiv with DonorPerfect, what should I do to make sure I don't end up with duplicate donations in Double the Donation Matching?

A:  This is a common combination of integrations! Double the Donation Matching is well-suited to help you manage this configuration. We recommend reviewing this article for best practices in managing multiple integrations. Specifically, we recommend activating the Duplicate Donations exclusion rule for multiple integrations,  which you can learn more about here.


Q: Where else can I embed Double the Donation's plugin?

A: We recommend you create a dedicated matching gift page on your website to place matching gift information in the path of every website visitor, not just those already on your confirmation pages. On this page, you can explain what matching gift programs are and provide donors with a chance to look up their employer’s program forms, guidelines, and instructions. Your dedicated matching gift page will become a useful resource to include in emails, newsletters, and direct messages.


To install Double the Donation’s matching gift search tool anywhere on your website, simply copy and paste the same Embed Code that you used before. Take a look at this example:



Q: Where can I learn more about the Double the Donation Matching and Qgiv integration?
A: Navigate to our partner landing page to learn how Double the Donation Matching and Qgiv can increase your matching gift revenue!