Parent/Child Accounts

This article explains how parent/child functionality works and which organizations may be a good fit for this this functionality. This feature is currently only available on the 360MatchPro Enterprise Plan.

Use cases for parent/child accounts

Parent/child account functionality

User management

Parent account functionality

Child account functionality

Training Video: Parent/Child Accounts


This feature is currently only available for nonprofits using 360MatchPro Enterprise. Click here to learn more.

Use cases for parent/child accounts

Some large organizations may find parent/child account functionality useful for organizational, security, or reporting purposes.


Parent/child accounts may be best suited for:

  1. Multi-chapter organizations with independently operated chapters

  2. Large national organizations with many regional offices


Parent/child accounts are not intended to address the following situations:

  1. Organizations running multiple fundraising campaigns. 360MatchPro allows your organization to import gifts from as many different campaigns as needed. These campaigns are organized in the Donations tab. Read more about the Donations tab and the Campaign field here.

  2. Organizations using multiple fundraising platforms wish to integrate with 360MatchPro. One 360MatchPro account can support multiple integrations. Learn more about managing multiple integrations here.

Parent/child account functionality

User management

Users can be added to either the parent account or any individual child account. If a user is added to a parent account, they will have access to the parent account and all subaccounts. If a user is only authorized to see a specific subaccount, switch to that subaccount first and then create the user.

Parent account functionality

Parent account users can:

  1. View summary statistics from all child accounts.

  2. View a combined Donations table of all donations from all child accounts.

  3. Navigate to any individual child account and make changes using the "Switch Account" dropdown in the top right corner of the parent account:

  1. Create automated email templates that will be used as the default email template for all subaccounts upon creation.

  2. Configure email settings (including CNAMEs) that will be used as the default for all subaccounts upon creation.

  3. Log in to any child account.

  4. Manage subaccounts, including creating and deleting.


Parent account users cannot:

  1. Send emails to donors.

  2. Configure integrations.

Child account functionality

Child account users can:

  1. Only view donations, statistics, and settings for that one 360MatchPro child account.

  2. Make changes to the default email template set by the parent account.

  3. Make changes to the default email settings set by the parent account.


Child account users cannot:

  1. View donations, statistics, or settings for any other child account or the parent account.

Training Video: Parent/Child Accounts