What do the different donor statuses mean?

This article defines what each of the donor statuses in the matching module means.

Initial Donation Record Statuses:

Automatic Statuses:

Manual Statuses:


Initial Donation Record Statuses:

The following three statuses are initially determined when donor information flows into the matching module. 

  1. Waiting for Donor: Donors identified as working for a company with a matching gift program will remain in this status until they interact with the automated emails to indicate they submitted their match request, are ineligible for a match, or until your organization changes the donor’s status. These donors are placed in the Match Eligible automated email stream.
  2. Unknown Employer: Donations initially enter the system as unknown employers when they haven’t indicated where they work and used a personal email (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) address rather than a work email. These donors are placed in the Unknown Company automated email stream.
  3. Ineligible: Donors we identify from either their email domain or use of the matching gift tools as likely not working for a company that will match a donation to your organization.



Automatic Statuses:

These statuses reflect where your donors are in the matching gift submission process and update automatically in your account based on the activity associated with the donation record.

  1. Waiting For Donor

  2. Unknown Employer

  3. Match Initiated -  Donors who access their matching gift forms through the search tool or email.

  4. Match Initiated - Donor Verified - Donors who indicate they submitted their match requests by personally clicking the corresponding button in the automated emails.

  5. Ineligible


If a donor selects "My donation is not eligible for a matching gift" in one of the matching module's emails, their donor status will update to Ineligible. If the donor interacts with the Ineligible survey to indicate why they are ineligible, their selection will appear under the Status column in the Donations tab.  View this article to learn more about what happens when a donor selects "My donation is not eligible for a matching gift."

Manual Statuses:

These statuses do not update automatically but can be manually updated to help your organization track where donors are in the matching gift submission process. Click here to learn how to manually update the status of a donation record.

  1. Pending Payment: Updated by the nonprofit when a match has been verified and has been sent to the company for approval and disbursement.
  1. Match Complete: Updated by the nonprofit when the matching gift has been received and the process is complete.


Q: What donors should I follow up with? 

A: We recommend following up with donors in the Waiting for Donor and Match Initiated statuses. 

  • Waiting for Donor: We recommend following up with these donors after the automated emails have run their course, which is dependent on the sending time that you have set, but most automated emails will stop 30 days after a donation record flows into the matching module. If there are more than 25 donors in this status, we recommend setting criteria for follow-up based on your organization’s bandwidth (i.e. only follow up with donors who gave above a certain amount). You can follow up with these donors to encourage them to submit their matching gift request by emailing them as a final reminder and/or calling those donors personally and then following up with an email. Click here to learn more about the manual email templates.

  • Match Initiated: If it has been more than 90 days since a donor indicated that they submitted their match and your organization has not received the matching gift funds, you can follow up with the company directly. You can access a company’s contact information by clicking on the name of the donor’s company. 


Q: How does a donor move to the Pending Payment and Match Complete statuses? 

A: At this time, your donor will only move to the Pending Payment or Match Complete statuses if your organization manually updates their status. This is because companies send the matching gift funds directly to your organization, so the matching module is unable to automatically track when a company is processing the funds or when they are ultimately disbursed to your organization. Click here to learn more about how to update the status of a donor.


If your organization receives a verification email from a vendor like CyberGrants or Easy Match, a team member can change the status of that donor to "Pending Payment". Please keep in mind that not all companies will require verification so the "Pending Payment" isn't often used.


When the nonprofit receives the matching gift funds (typically within 1-3 months), a team member can log in to Double the Donation, search for the donor, and change the status of the donor to "Match Complete." Most of our clients that take this approach use the "Match Complete" status only when they receive funds.


Click here to learn more about how to update donor statuses in bulk using our data import feature.