This article walks through the different email sending limits available in your Double the Donation Matching account and how they can be used to give your organization more control over the emails that are sent to your donors.
Double the Donation Matching gives you the ability to limit the number of emails sent to donors within a given period using several different configuration options. You can find these configuration options under Email Customization --> Sending.
These settings are useful for organizations that want to ensure they're sending the appropriate number of matching gift emails to all donors without bombarding them. Organizations can limit the number of matching gift emails they send to different categories of donors. Read on for an overview of each option.
Max Sending Limits Per Single Email Address
You can limit the matching module to sending X emails per Y days to a single email address.
- 2 emails per 60 days
- 4 emails per 90 days
- 4 emails per 180 days
This ensures that a single email address for one of your donors will not receive more than X matching gift emails in Y days.
Sending Limits on Recurring Donations
You can limit matching gift emails to the same email address within a certain period of days. For example, if you have recurring donors, you may only wish to initiate 1 matching gifts email stream per person per quarter. In that case, put 90 days in the box that says "Do not send emails to the same email address within [X] days", then the matching module won't initiate a new matching gift email stream for a donation if we initiate an automation stream for a different gift from that same donor within the last 90 days.

We recommend setting this amount to 90 days.
Sending Limits on Ineligible Donors
Depending on how your donors interact with our matching gift tools, the donation may be marked as likely ineligible for a matching gift. In these cases, you likely don't want to email that donor again for at least a few months as it's unlikely that they've become matching gift eligible in a short period. Use this setting to prevent outreach to recurring donors if one of their gifts has been marked as ineligible in the last X days.

By default, this limit will be set at our recommended period of 180 days.
Sending Limits Based on Gift Amounts
You can restrict sending automated matching gift emails when a donation's dollar amount is either too low or too high.
Given that many companies have a minimum donation that they'll match of $25 and that it may not be worthwhile for you to promote matching gifts on really small donations, we recommend that you set a lower limit of $20.
You may also want to set an upper limit if you don't want to send any automated matching gift emails to your largest donors. We recommend sending personal outreach to donors who give more than $10,000. The average maximum donation that a company will match is $10,000. By default, your upper limit will be set at our recommended amount of $10,000. This means donors who give $10,000 or less will receive an automated matching gift email.
Sending Limits per Country
With the matching module, you can set up email-sending rules that factor in a donor's location.

Additional Email Sending Restrictions Applied by the matching module:
If a donor marks that they submitted their matching gift request, we automatically stop emailing that email address for that individual donation.
If a donor marks they're ineligible, we do not email them any further for that specific donation.
All donors have the option to unsubscribe from matching gift emails which means they're added to the email sending blocklist for the matching module. Additionally, you could log in and unsubscribe them from receiving emails if you'd like.
Using the matching module portal or API, you can blocklist emails to ensure that they do not receive any more emails from our system going forward.
Click here to learn about the blocklist in the matching module.