This article walks through the Volunteer Incentives Available and Discover Volunteer Incentives email streams.
Email Stream: Volunteer Incentives Available
Email Stream: Discover Volunteer Incentives
The automated email streams available in Double the Donation Volunteering are the following:
- Volunteer Incentives Available
- Discover Volunteer Incentives
Each volunteer registration record that flows into Double the Donation Volunteering through your integrations with volunteer management platforms could be placed into one of the two email streams automatically. Note that if a volunteer record flows into the volunteer module assigned to a company that does not have a volunteer incentives program, that record will not be placed into any email stream, as no related follow-up actions are relevant for that volunteer at this time.
Within each email stream, you can do the following:
- Enable emails by clicking on the toggle button (The button will turn blue when it is enabled)
- Edit the sending time, so the emails can be sent based on when the volunteer registration record enters into Double the Donation Volunteering.
- Edit the subject title and body of the emails by using the email template variables within the body of the emails.
- Click on the preview button to send a test email to yourself and experience what the volunteer will also experience.
Volunteer Incentives Available
Volunteers placed into this email stream have identified that they work for a company that offers corporate-sponsored volunteer incentives based on the information in the Double the Donation database. In most cases, this means they selected their employer's name using the Double the Donation search tool during their volunteer registration process. If they provided their corporate email address on their volunteer registration form (not common), Double the Donation can also map their corporate email domain to the company volunteer program.
Discover Volunteer Incentives
Volunteers placed into this email stream have NOT identified where they work. These volunteers often use a personal email address when giving to your organization, and they have not interacted with the Double the Donation company search tool during their volunteer registration process.
Email Template Variables
Our default email streams are set up so you can easily turn them on right away. However, you can use email template variables in the body of the emails if you’d like to be more specific within emails. Insert the variable within the body of the email for the description to occur.
Customizing Emails
You can customize each email stream for your organization. You can customize the following within each email stream:
- Enable/disable the email stream
- Change the sending time of each email
- Edit the Subject Line of the emails
- Customize the emails using email template variables if you'd like to be more specific within emails
- Preview each email and send test emails to yourself before enabling the emails
Read this article to learn about previewing your email messages' appearance.
Make sure to save any changes you make by clicking "Save Email Template."