This article walks through Double the Donation's integration with Ellucian Advance Web.
Step-by-Step: Integrate Ellucian Advance into your Double the Donation Matching
Step-by-Step: Integrate Ellucian Advance into your Double the Donation Matching account
Double the Donation is the industry-leading matching gifts automation solution for nonprofits and educational institutions to identify more matching gift revenue opportunities and drive more matches to completion. You’ll need a Double the Donation account to activate the matching gift functionality within this partner platform. Not a Double the Donation client? Schedule a demo at
To complete these integration steps, you will need information from your Ellucian Advance Web account (found in your SINFO app) and your Ellucian Advance database administrator/point of contact. We recommend reading all the way through this guide to make a list of required information to request from your team before beginning these steps.
Step #1: Log into your matching module.
Step #2: Navigate to the "Integrations" tab and select "Browse". Use the Browse Partner Directory to search for "Ellucian Advance". Select "Activate Integration".
Step #3: Under the Ellucian Advance logo, enter in the following fields:
- Host: Consult your Ellucian Advance database administrator/point of contact to request assistance with creating a public IP address.
- System identifier (SID): See your SINFO app within your Advance Web account. Next to "Database Instance", select the characters that follow the IP address and "/" icon.
- User: your unique Ellucian Advance database instance username.
- Password: your unique Ellucian Advance database instance password.

Step #4: Click "Integrate". Your integration is now live!

Ellucian Advance - FAQs
Q: I don't have a Double the Donation Matching account. How do I get one?
A: Visit to request a demo! Make sure you mention that you use Ellucian Advance/Web Advance in your demo request form.
Q: Which Ellucian Advance solutions can I connect to Double the Donation Matching following these steps?
A: You can connect Ellucian's legacy CRM solution. This solution is often called:1) Ellucian Advance
2) Ellucian Advance Web
3) Ellucian Web Advance
among others. If you use CRM Advance, follow these steps instead!
Q: How often does data sync from Ellucian Advance to Double the Donation Matching?
A: Data sync occurs once every two hours.
Q: How much can I customize what data enters Double the Donation Matching and what doesn't?
A: We understand that while there is a default setting for data pull with Double the Donation Matching, every organization has unique needs and/or schema. If you'd like to customize what records pull into the matching module from Ellucian Advance, please email and let them know your request. Our support team can loop in a tech team member to take a look at your setup and configure it to your needs.
Q: Where can I embed Double the Donation's matching gift search plugin?
A: We recommend that you incorporate Double the Donation's matching gift search tool across your broader fundraising. To install the search tool anywhere on your website, simply copy and paste the Embed Code from your matching module.
Q: Where can I learn more about the Double the Donation Matching and Ellucian Advance integration?
A: Navigate to our partner landing page to learn how Double the Donation Matching and Ellucian Advance can increase your matching gift revenue!
We recommend that you create a dedicated matching gift page where you can explain what matching gift programs are and provide donors with a chance to look up their employer's program forms, guidelines, and instructions. This page can be used as a resource to be included in emails, newsletters, and direct messages. This page will also be connected to your Double the Donation Matching automated email outreach.
Take a look at this example: