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  2. Integrations
  3. Double the Donation Matching Integration Guides

Does Double the Donation integrate with Twilio?

This article walks through Double the Donation's integration with Twilio.

Step-by-Step: Integrate Double the Donation Matching with Twilio

Step-by-Step: Integrate Double the Donation Matching with Twilio

This integration is currently only available for nonprofits using Double the Donation Matching Enterprise. Not on Enterprise? Learn about upgrading here.

Step #1: Navigate to the "Integrations" tab and select "Browse." Use the Browse Partner Directory to search for “Twilio.”


Step #2: Locate the Twilio card. Select "Activate Integration."



Step #3: Log in to your Twilio account. Copy your Account SID and Auth Token and paste them into the associated fields in the Twilio integration card. Select "Start Integration."



Step #4: Select the number you want to send SMS messages from. The dropdown list presents all the available numbers currently in your Twilio account.



To learn more about sending automated SMS outreach, view this guide.