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  3. Double the Donation Matching Integration Guides

Does Double the Donation integrate with TeamRaiser?

This article walks through Double the Donation's integration with TeamRaiser.

Double the Donation is the industry-leading matching gifts automation solution for nonprofits and educational institutions to identify more matching gift revenue opportunities and drive more matches to completion. You’ll need a Double the Donation account to activate the matching gift functionality within this partner platform. Not a Double the Donation client? Schedule a demo at https://doublethedonation.com/demo-request/.

Step-by-Step: Integrating Double the Donation Matching into Blackbaud TeamRaiser Donation Forms

To integrate Double the Donation Matching into your TeamRaiser donation forms, follow the same steps outlined in our Luminate Online integration guide, linked here. You should use the Luminate/Convio embed code in the matching module when integrating with TeamRaiser donation forms.


To add Double the Donation Matching to your TeamRaiser registration pages, follow the steps outlined below.

Step-by-Step: Integrating Double the Donation Matching into Blackbaud TeamRaiser Registration Pages

Step #1: Navigate to your Luminate Online account. Select "Fundraising", then select "TeamRaiser". From there, find the Teamraiser event that you would like to edit. 



Step #2: Select "Edit" on the chosen event. 



Step #3: Next, you'll need to insert the Double the Donation Matching embed code on the TeamRaiser thank you page. To access the embed code, navigate to your matching module and select "Settings" then "API Keys" then "Embed codes for setup". Use the option to"Embed the following code on the confirmation / thank you page."


Step #4: Insert the embed code on the TeamRaiser thank you page. You can insert the embed code there directly, or you can insert it into a reusable page to use instead.  For guidance on creating reusable pages in Luminate, see Phase 3 of our Luminate integration guide


[Optional] Step-by-Step: Integrating Double the Donation Matching's streamlined search tool into Blackbaud TeamRaiser Registration Pages

Step #1: Navigate to your Luminate Online account. Select "Fundraising", then select "TeamRaiser". From there, find the Teamraiser event that you would like to edit. 



Step #2: Select "Edit" on the chosen event. 



Step #3: Access your TeamRaiser streamlined search embed code within your Double the Donation account. 




Step #4: Next, you'll need to insert the Double the Donation Matching's streamlined search tool on one of the pages leading up to the thank-you page, preferably the page that asks donors to enter their employer.



You can insert the embed code there directly, or you can insert it into a reusable page to use instead. For guidance on creating reusable pages in Luminate, see Phase 3 of our Luminate integration guide


 Having problems? It's possible that this embed code is not targeting the correct element on your page! In the code above, the employer input is identified as document.getElementById("cons_employer"), but that id (i.e. cons_employer) can be inconsistent on different forms. If you are having issues, you may need to press F12 in your browser, identify the company input field, and update the corresponding ID in the embed code.