Breakdown by Status

This article provides an overview of the Breakdown by Status report in your 360MatchPro and explains how each of these statuses are tracked.

Within the Statistics Section, you'll be able to gain insight into where your donors are in the matching gift submission process. This section is broken down by status so you can see the number of donors in each status and the total number of matching gift revenue associated with that donor count. The Breakdown by Status table can be used to see potential matching gift revenue and completed matching gift revenue. 


If you need to gain more insight into the meaning of each donor status, view this article

Please note: Be mindful of the date range when viewing the breakdown by the status table. This table can change as the date range changes. The date range default is always one month. 


To find potential matching gift revenue, view the total number of donors in the Waiting for Donor status and the matching gift revenue associated with that number.


To find potential matching gift revenue and top opportunities:
  1. Waiting for Donor (automatically tracked by 360MatchPro)


To find completed matching gift revenue, view the following statuses:
  1. Match Initiated (automatically tracked by 360MatchPro)
  2. Pending payment (a manual status that the nonprofit has to update in 360MatchPro)
  3. Match Complete (a manual status that the nonprofit has to update in 360MatchProtal the number of donors and the matching gift revenue to find completed matching gift revenue.