This article walks through Double the Donation's integration with Virtuous.
Step-by-Step: Integrate Double the Donation Matching into Virtuous Giving
Section 1: Activate Double the Donation in Virtuous CRM
Section 2: Add Double the Donation to your donation form
Virtuous - Doube the Donation FAQs
Step-by-Step: Integrate Double the Donation Matching into Virtuous Giving
If you only use Virtuous CRM without donation forms, then you can just follow the first half of this guide. If you use Virtuous donation forms through Virtuous Marketing, then follow sections 1 and 2 to activate the integration and add Double the Donation Matching to your donation forms.
Section 1: Activate Double the Donation Matching in Virtuous CRM
Step #1: Log in to Virtuous CRM, and select "Settings" from the left side of the screen.
Step #2: Select "All Settings" and then "Connectivity".
Step #3: Select the Integrations card.
Step #4: Select "Add an integration" and then choose "Double the Donation" from the drop-down menu.
Step #5: Enter your public and private API keys and select "Save Integration".
Not sure how to find your API keys? Check out this article.
You're all set! You have connected your Virtuous and Double the Donation Matching accounts. Keep reading to add Double the Donation to your Virtuous Giving forms.
Section 2: Add Double the Donation to your donation form
Step #1: Navigate to Virtuous Marketing. Select "Forms" from the menu on the left side of your dashboard. From there, click "Actions" and select "Create a donation form" from the dropdown menu.
Step #2: Enter the name of the form and click "Next."

Step #3: Find "Double the Donation" in the list of items on the left. Drag "Double the Donation" to the spot on your form where you would like to embed the search tool.
Your form will now look like this:
Step #4: You can now click "Actions" and select "Preview" to see the Double the Donation search tool on your form. Make sure to continue through the process to set up your confirmation page and click "Save and Publish."
Virtuous - Doube the Donation FAQs
Q: I don’t have a Double the Donation account. How do I get one?
A: Visit to request a demo! Make sure you mention that you use Virtuous in your demo request form.
Q: What if I only use Virtuous CRM and not Virtuous Marketing?
A: You can still integrate Double the Donation Matching with only Virtuous CRM. Simply use the first half of this integration guide to connect Virtuous CRM to your matching module by connecting your API keys.
Q: How does the 2-way sync work between Double the Donation Matching and Virtuous CRM?
A: Double the Donation Matching will send company information back to Virtuous CRM within the Gift Record. The DTD logo will appear next to records where an employer has been identified. When clicked, the DTD plug-in appears with the donor-selected company information updated in real-time.
Q: Where else can I embed Double the Donation's plugin, other than on my Virtuous donation form?
A: We recommend you create a dedicated matching gift page on your website to place matching gift information in the path of every website visitor, not just those already on your donation form. On this page, you can explain what matching gift programs are and provide donors with a chance to look up their employer’s program forms, guidelines, and instructions. Your dedicated matching gift page will become a useful resource to include in emails, newsletters, and direct messages.
To install Double the Donation’s matching gift search tool anywhere on your website, simply copy and paste the Embed Code from your Double the Donation account onto the desired page. Take a look at an example from the Cat Rescue Club:
Q: Where can I learn more about the Double the Donation Matching and Virtuous integration?
A: Navigate to our partner landing page to learn how Double the Donation Matching and Virtuous can increase your matching gift revenue!