This article walks through Double the Donation's integration with Springboard.
Step-by-Step: Integrate Double the Donation's Double the Donation Matching into Springboard
Springboard - Double the Donation Matching FAQs
Step-by-Step: Integrate Double the Donation Matching into Springboard
Double the Donation is the industry-leading matching gifts automation solution for nonprofits and educational institutions to identify more matching gift revenue opportunities and drive more matches to completion. You’ll need a Double the Donation account to activate the matching gift functionality within this partner platform. Not a Double the Donation client? Schedule a demo at
Step #1: Connect with your Springboard CSM to activate the Double the Donation integration. To activate the integration, you will need your Double the Donation public and private API keys.
Not sure how to find your API keys? Check out this article.
Step #2: After the integration has been activated, navigate to the donation form that you would like to add Double the Donation’s tools to and click “Edit”.
Step #3: In the “Fundraiser Settings” section, check the box labeled “Enable Double the Donation”.
Step #4: Confirm your Springboard fields are mapped appropriately to the corresponding Opportunity field. Your Springboard CSM can help confirm!
Step #5: Navigate to form components and position the Double the Donation Company Search Field in the desired place within your form layout.
Step #6: Use the DTD confirmation token [donation:dtd_confirmation_token] to add the Confirmation Page plugin to your form.
This completes the integration. The Double the Donation streamlined search tool and confirmation page plugin should now appear on your desired Springboard donation pages.
OPTIONAL - Enabling Promise Creation within Springboard
Step #1: Once you have enabled Promise Creation within Double the Donation, let your CSM know and they will activate Promise Creation within Springboard as well.
Step #2: Confirm your Springboard fields are mapped appropriately to the corresponding Opportunity field. Your Springboard CSM can help confirm!
Springboard - Double the Donation Matching FAQs
Q: I don't have a Double the Donation Matching account. How do I get one?
A: Visit to request a demo! Make sure you mention that you use Springboard in your demo request form.
Q: What Springboard fields need to be mapped to Opportunities?
A: Check in with your Springboard CSM to ensure all of the necessary Springboard fields are mapped to the appropriate Opportunities. The fields that require mapping are DTD ID and DTD Company ID. For promise creation, DTD Matched Amount, DTD Promise Amount, and DTD Status also need to be mapped.
Q: How can I activate promise creation?
A: To enable promise creation, navigate to your Double the Donation account and select “Promise Creation” under the Settings tab. Once promise creation is enabled, you can leverage Promise Creation with your Springboard integration. For more information, check out this article.
Q: Does the Double the Donation Matching streamlined company name search field appear on my donation form, or just on my confirmation page?
A: Currently, the Double the Donation Matching matching gift plugin only appears on the confirmation page. Please contact your Springboard account manager to request updates about any plans to add the search field to the donation form itself.

A: Navigate to our partner landing page to learn how Double the Donation Matching and Springboard can increase your matching gift revenue!