Is it better to embed the matching gift search tool directly on a donation form or on the thank you screen?

This article explains why recommend embedding the streamlined employer search tool on the donation form and the matching gift plugin on the thank you page.

To see the best ROI with our matching gift tools and an increase in matching gift revenue annually, we encourage you to incorporate our matching gift search tool into one of two spots in the donation process:

  1. On the actual donation form as an optional matching gift search tool (field)

  2. On the donation confirmation / thank you screen as a plugin

On average, our clients who add our matching gift search tool to the donation form see a 2.58x increase in usage by their donors. It's highly recommended to add the search tool on the donation form and our plugin on the confirmation pages to see the most donors identified as match eligible and donors using the tool.


The benefit of adding our plugin to the actual donation form:
The biggest benefit of adding our matching gift plugin to the actual donation form is that you make it a step that every online donor thinks about as they go through the donation process. Most donors read every field and will pause to search if their company will match their donation and access the information they need to do so.


While we think it's a great spot to add our matching gift plugin we encourage organizations to ensure that they add it in a streamlined and eloquent way. Make sure you add our plugin as either a screen overlay or within an optional expandable section on your donation form. You want to make sure that our plugin doesn't take up the full screen when it's utilized on the donation form.


View this example of our search tool on a donation form. 


The benefit of adding our to the donation confirmation / thank you screen:
For organizations wanting to ensure their donation forms are as streamlined as possible or can't add our plugin in an eloquent way on the actual donation form we recommend that you display the matching gift search tool at the top of the donation thank you screen.


Feature it prominently and enable your donors to instantly access matching gift and volunteer grant information immediately after they make their donation. 


View the samples on this page.


We hear great results from organizations that do both. To maximize matching gift revenue we highly recommend your organization add our matching gift search tool to the donation form if you can do so in an eloquent way without disrupting the donation process. If your donation form isn't as configurable as you'd like then definitely prominently display our plugin on the donation confirmation / thank you screen. 


Using Double the Donation Matching integrations:

When you use a Double the Donation Matching integration, the donation form and confirmation page implementation of matching gift tools have already been optimized for you! That's the job of the Double the Donation team, which works with our 70+ fundraising platform partners to build integrations that your organization can simply turn on with no coding required. The matching gift search field will appear on the donation form and/or confirmation page exactly where they should be, per our team's conversations with 


Browse our integrations here.