Email Appends by Double the Donation

This article walks through the Email Appends process by Double the Donation, and answers Frequently Asked Questions.

What is the value of an Email Append?

How do Email Appends by Double the Donation work?

What data points does Double the Donation need to perform an Email Append?

What is Double the Donation's pricing for an Email Append?

Get started with an Email Append

What is the value of an Email Append?

Email appends offer nonprofits and educational institutions a valuable opportunity to enhance their donor or alumni databases by adding missing email addresses. By filling in these gaps, your organization can significantly expand its reach and improve communication with supporters or alumni.

If you're looking to deliver targeted messaging to the right members of your community, an email append may be right for you.

How do Email Appends by Double the Donation work?

Double the Donation offers email appends through single file transfers. Your team will securely share a CSV file of your list to our team, which we'll then update with the appended email addresses.

What data points does Double the Donation need to perform an Email Append?

The more information your organization can provide to Double the Donation for an email append, the better the data we can return! Every data point you provide gives our team additional information we can use for verifcation and accuracy scoring.

When performing an append, we generally request the folowing:

  • Unique Identifier Number
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Address
  • City
  • Zip Code
  • Phone Number
  • (if available) Maiden Name / Previous Name
  • (if available) Age / Date of Birth / Year of Birth

If not all of the above are available, not to worry! Let us know what you're able to provide and we'll work with your existing list to perform an append.

What is Double the Donation's Pricing for an Email Append?

Double the Donation offers custom quotes for your desired volume of records. In your conversation with our team, let us know the estimates of how many records you'd like appended and we'll create a customized quote for you based on your needs.

Get Started with an Email Append

Ready to take the next steps toward your organization's goals with an email append? Request more information from our team today and we'll be happy to set up a consultation or send a quote directly.