This article walks through Double the Donation's integration with ACD Direct.
Step-by-Step: Integrate Double the Donation Matching into ACD Direct PledgeCart Donation Forms
ACD Direct - Double the Donation - FAQ
Step-by-Step: Integrate Double the Donation Matching into ACD Direct PledgeCart Donation Forms
Double the Donation is the industry-leading matching gifts automation solution for nonprofits and educational institutions to identify more matching gift revenue opportunities and drive more matches to completion. You’ll need a Double the Donation account to activate the matching gift functionality within this partner platform. Not a Double the Donation client? Schedule a demo at
Step #1: Navigate to the PledgeCart Campaign where you'd like to incorporate Double the Donation's matching gift search tool. Click "Actions" and then "Layout."

Step #2: Use the drop-down menu to search for "Double the Donation." Then click the green plus button to add the module to your campaign. You will be asked for your Public Key and Header. The Public Key can be found in your Double the Donation Matching account (see FAQ).
Step #3: Enter your Public Key and Header text. The Header text is what will appear above the search tool on your donation page.
Step #4: Click "Save" at the bottom of the page. Describe the changes you made in the save layout field.
Step #5: Place the Double the Donation Matching Gift module on your Final Page (popup) and Save. This ensures that the confirmation page appears so you can guide donors to their matching gift next steps immediately following the donation flow.
Target donors with matching gift next steps while they are still in the giving mindset!
Q: I don't have a Double the Donation Matching account. How do I get one?
A: Visit to request a demo! Make sure you mention that you use ACD Direct in your demo request form.
Q: What is the recommended implementation of the streamlined search field on the ACD Direct PledgeCart forms?
A: Double the Donation and ACD Direct recommends placing the Double the Donation Matching streamlined search field following the donor information section (e.g., Name, Address, Email Address, etc.).
The Double the Donation Matching streamlined search field is highly customizable within the PledgeCart platform. The recommended display configuration is represented below. Please contact your ACD Direct Account Executive if you require assistance to configure your form in this way.
Q: How can I incorporate matching gifts into my ACD call script?
A: Contact your ACD Direct Account Executive.
Q: Does Double the Donation Matching integrate with SimpleDonate forms?
A: Yes, you can add the streamlined search field and the confirmation page plugin to your SimpleDonate donation forms. Just contact ACD Direct with your API key to get this set up.
Q: Where can I find my Public API Key provided by Double the Donation Matching?
A: Login to your matching module. Click "Settings" and then "API Keys."

A: Navigate to our partner landing page to learn how Double the Donation Matching and ACD Direct can increase your matching gift revenue!